The clock is ticking on the most momentous General Conference since 1988.

By The Numbers…
It has been five years since the last General Conference that enshrined the Traditional Plan, a vindictive antigay plan that broke The United Methodist Church.
It has been 36 years since the 1988 General Conference when antigay traditionalists rode the culture wars to dominance of United Methodism, and they didn’t lose that grip until they squandered their majority during the 2022-2023 disaffiliations.
It has been 40 years since the launch of the Reconciling Ministries Network (then the Reconciling Congregations Program), the movement towards LGBTQ+ inclusion and celebration within The United Methodist Church.
And it has been 52 years since the first antigay polity was slipped into Methodist polity.
There’s been a lot.
And in the next few months, there’s a chance to culminate all of it at a single event: the General Conference of the United Methodist Church, held April 23rd – May 3rd 2024 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
40 Days of United Methodism
In recognition of this momentous event, for forty days from March 24th through the end of General Conference on May 3rd 2024, General Conference will be the primary topic on this blog. Those of you who come here for other topics: see you after Cinco de Mayo!
During these forty days, Hacking Christianity will provide commentary in the following categories to better inform United Methodist powers-that-be and passersby alike of what is happening in our connectional world.
- 1000 Word Summaries: pithy and informative posts suitable for church newsletters detailing how we got here and where we go from here.
- General Conference 101: What do newcomers and long-timers need to know about this conference and what to expect in the 10 days in Charlotte.
- Building a Better Methodism: the big legislative goals and the smaller but significant movements that will make United Methodism a more faithful and effective witness to Jesus Christ in the world.
- Outlining the Opposition: detailing the rise of the antigay Global Methodist Church and their continued machinations towards the UMC that seek to distract everyone from their own failure to launch.
- A New Hope: When the errors of the past have been corrected, what new direction is there for United Methodism to best position it after a time of disaffiliations and decline?
Twenty articles have been written for this series, but there’s room for a few more!
Crowdsourcing Your Questions
To be responsive to our community (some of which have read about United Methodism, Geek Gospel, and Church hacks for over 16 years now), I wanted to solicit topics that you hope would be covered.
- What don’t you see on other commentaries that you’d like to see here?
- What “usual Hacking Christianity topics” would you like to see articles on?
- Other requests or suggestions?
Thanks for reading and buckle up: it’s a wild ride ahead.
Your Turn
Thanks for reading, commenting, subscribing, and sharing on social media.
Can’t wait to read your commentary.
I would like to see a discussion of why orthodox Christians shouldn’t be disgusted by groups that think that rules only apply to some people (e.g. conservatives having to pay large sums to disaffiate) while theological liberals can disregard the Book of Discipline at will without consequence.
How sad that this time of deep reflection, preparation, and the potential of an honest exchange of ideas has to be clouded by idolatry with the highest priority being money. (“having to pay large sums to disaffiate”). Everything we have ever had, now have, or ever will have comes from God; we aren’t taking it with us when we depart this earthly journey. In Matthew 6:19-21 in the First Nations Version we read: “Take care not to store up possessions on earth that can be spoiled by worms, eaten by moths or stolen by thieves. Instead give away your possessions to the ones in need, and then you will be storing up great ;possessions in the spirit-world above, where nothing can be lost of stolen. For where you store your valued possessions is where your heart will be”.
I’m delighted to see Hacking Christianity in my incoming email again. Don’t know why it’s been a while. This column was must a must read for many years. I’m looking forward to your news and views, Jeremy!
I don’t see the negatives of Regionalization. I would love to see a blog post that takes us through the pros and potential cons (perceived or real). Especially since we will need Annual Conference voting on this.