Star Wars is a sci-fi conflict between the Rebellion and the Empire. In the movies, it is a black/white conflict: The Rebellion is …
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Star Wars is a sci-fi conflict between the Rebellion and the Empire. In the movies, it is a black/white conflict: The Rebellion is …
Continue Reading about Is the #UMC the Rebellion…or the Empire?
Thanks to this blog, I'm now published in two anthologies. The first was "The Legend of Zelda and Theology" last fall. And now the …
Because it's Friday and the blog post I'm working on just isn't coming together the way I want it to. So, in lieu of it, here's …
Continue Reading about Stormtrooper Shuffle Friday #starwars
One of the effects of a representational connectional system like the United Methodist Church is the influence given to large …
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