Progressive America on Inauguration Day, 2017.

Inauguration Day
In a few hours, progressives from your town or city will wake up with others from around the world. And we will be launching one of the largest protest movements in the history of humanity.
“Humanity.” That word of what is truly humane should have new meaning for all of us after the regressive language and actions of 2016.
Progressives can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore, fighting only for our identities or pet projects. We no longer assume that society moves forward in appreciation of humanity’s diversity together. We must be united in our common interests.
Perhaps it’s fate that today is Inauguration Day, a day that used to indicate a peaceful shift in benevolent American power. Progressives will once again be the minority voice, fighting not just tyranny, oppression, and persecution… but annihilation of everything that benefits the minorities in society, erasing everything from FDR’s New Deal to Obamacare, and selling American assets to corporate control in a frenzied fire sale.
All with the complicit Church sitting silently by, resting in satisfaction at seemingly winning the culture war against reproductive choice.
Progressives are fighting for our minority’s and most vulnerable’s very right to live. To exist as a free and benevolent country.
We did not win the day, but let January 20 no longer be known as Inauguration Day, but as the day Progressive America declared in one voice:
We will not go quietly into the night!
We will not vanish without a fight!
Our legions of teachers, advocates, unions, community organizers, free press, and snowflakes…we’re going to live on. We’re going to survive.
Today, President Trump, we celebrate Inauguration Day.
But what is truly being inaugurated is not you.
“We will not go quietly into the night…” The words of Cromwell come to mind, “You have sat to long here for any good you have been doing. In the name of God, go!”
I am glad the Progressive refusal to respect the constitution, the arrogance and lawlessness, the disrespect they have shown both the office and the man who is the legally elected president has cost progressives (i. e. radical liberals) much support. It will take Democrats a long time to recover that support.
How much support did conservatives show to Obama, who unlike Trump, won more than 50% of the vote both times? Trump spits on the Constitution when he takes gifts from foreign governments. He refuses to release his tax returns, which would probably show unethical behavior.
Regardless of your political beliefs, it’s definitely true that a large amount of Christians choose not to be involved in politics. We hope that with time, Christians who are politically active can encourage and educate others to feel compelled enough to be create their own beliefs, and make an impact in our political decision making processes. The key here, would not be to demoralize everyone, but to walk with them side by side and show them that you live what you talk through your daily actions. Thanks for the post Reverend 🙂