Achievement unlocked. I made the Confessing Movement’s periodic email.
And not just mentioned–the first line!

The Confessing Movement opposes LGBT inclusion in the United Methodist Church and thus it’s little wonder they probably fell out of their seat to spend an entire email attacking me.
The rest of the email is a straw-man affiliating me with assumptions, extreme cultures that I don’t support, and side affiliations far outside of Progressive Christianity. Yawn. I don’t know if it is online–post it in the comments if so.
So here’s my response.
Dear Riley Case of the Confessing Movement,
Thanks for telling me what I meant when I said “”Why is this still in the books? In the Methodist church we have been behind the culture.”
If you trusted your readers’ judgment, you would have linked to the article that it appeared: Here it is.
If you had asked the source what a one-liner meant, I would point to you that I’ve already written in direct response to this quote and shared it widely. Here it is: When Someone says “the church is behind culture…”
Thanks for reading newspapers and telling me what a one-liner means, instead of investigating and seeing what the it really meant.
Thank you to the Confessing Movement for spending an entire email on me. I appreciate you for wasting your time on me so you couldn’t hit anyone else this week. As a blogger I have thick skin and I’m pretty sure any negative effects you were seeking on me and my online presence or local church ministry will not hit the mark today.
Off to the park with my daughter. It’s a sunshiney day in Portland.
You referred your readers to your earlier post for clarification. I read it, and I would refer them to the comments on that post. I really think we are talking about 2 different belief systems. I wonder how it is possible to remain together when the chasm is so wide.
In Christ,
The enemy hates clarity
I’m not entirely sure, but I think if there’s an answer it’s in looking to the Thanksgiving dinner table? Where family ties are tested near unto breaking for different views and values systems, but folk decide in the end to let love and common history win over division and bitter differences.
Just to add one thing….. consider the example of the Baptists in the U.S. They divided over slavery…. a schism into the American Baptists Church and the Southern Baptists. And the associations people rightly have with Southern Baptists….. do we want the name “Methodist” to carry the same connotations? IF we do not, I’d argue that we need to follow every possible avenue to reconciliation that we can morally follow. – saw this was very interesting, older, but similar misleading by the IRD/Confessing/Good News crowd.