For the first time, Hacking Christianity has broken into Church Relevance’s Top 200 Ministry Blogs. Huzzah!
Church Relevance updates this list of “ministry blogs” periodically. Here’s the description of what a “ministry blog” is and isn’t:
A ministry blog nurtures or challenges the way ministers think about the gospel, the Great commission, ministry methodology, and the cultures they are called to reach. It is a bit more than just a faith blog or one that explores how to live a good Christian life.
Here’s the announcement. Here’s the Full List (we are #178).
And for the record, the blogs in the Top 50 on this list that I read regularly are:
- #15 nakedpastor
- #21
- #39 Rachel Held Evans
- #40 Exploring Our Matrix (congrats Professor!)
- #44 Mark Driscoll (hahahah, j/k)
- #46 The Bible and Culture
- #47 Nadia Bolz-Weber
- #48 Church Marketing Sucks
- #50 Experimental Theology
I’ll add this to the “plus” column of successes of this blog. It easily surpasses the “minus” column which only has Christian Century that rejected my blog because it was “funny and hip” but they focus on “serious essay types.” Ha!
Thanks to our readers and community for this ranking! And thanks to Church Relevance for their work!
(Photo credit: “Reach for the Stars” by Sander Spolspoel, Creative Commons share on Flickr)
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