Wild Goose is a three-day festival of music, speakers, preachers, and activities for people who are open to a variety of experiences. Meaning they can listen to people who are reaching people in offbeat ways. People who are at the cutting edge of social justice. Deep thinkers who have different ideas of what it means to be Christian in a post-Christian era.
Last year, I lamented missing out on Wild Goose festival that was held in the Carolinas somewhere, far away, and it was not fitting into my schedule. My friends went, had a blast, hung out with awesome people, and I was left out. This year, the same thing was going to happen and in the midst of moving to the West Coast, I would miss out again.
But suddenly, there it was in my feed reader: Wild Goose would be holding a West venue as well. And in fact, their location would be an hour from my house.
- I would like to invite the readers of this blog and any United Methodists to the Wild Goose Festival West. Our blog readers will be having a meetup there so we that have known each other for years or just months can meet face-to-face and get to know each other in a festival setting.
- There will be a strong United Methodist presence there and a definite time to meetup, so any UMs who want to come and hang out with the offbeat UMs of the West Coast, you are welcome!
- Wild Goose Festival is held at a campground area one hour south of Portland, Oregon from Friday, August 31st til Sunday, September 2nd.
- The United Methodists will have a meetup space (even if it is unofficial) after the speakers and experiences so we can discuss what we thought or how we might live out the message in our UM contexts, and also time for fellowship.
- We can communicate via the blog, twitter, or text message once you are on-site. You won’t be left out.
- In addition to the West Coast lineup of speakers and singers, I’m bringing the following smart United Methodist people with me:
- A church planter coordinator/coach who wants to meet potential church planters, especially offbeat ones.
- A young adults communicator who uses technology and communication well to reach young people.
- A camping coordinator who has 20 years experience leading campgrounds and camping ministries.
- Several youth ministers (lay, clergy, and non-UM too) who can sound off ideas for youth ministry.
- Several social media experts so you can throw your ideas around with them.
- So not only will you get a great experience, but you might form long-lasting relationships with UMs who can be guides for a professional relationship with the UMC. Good times!
- Go to http://wildgoosewest.
eventbrite.com , select the ticket that you want. - Click on “Enter Promotional Code” and use the code WESTFRIENDS to get 15% off tickets.
- Please note: this discount offer expires this coming Friday, July 27th, at midnight. HURRY!
We will be there. Looking forward to it.
I just signed up — as a volunteer! Having Iona and Burning Man in the same sentence surely caught my attention.
Woohoo! Will see you there, Deborah!