This is hilarious. Apparently either a pamphlet at an annual conference or an email forward presented satirical General Conference books you should read. There’s two of them in the title image but many more in the PDF.
I would say the Author is likely in the same ilk as @FakeUMCDS and @FakeUMBishop and originator of the Ryan Gosling connection, but s/he mistakes #hashtags for @accounts on the twitter book teaser, and a professional satirist wouldn’t make such an error. 😉
Check it out:
I’d love to see that Behind the Scenes at GC Worship book. As one of those who was literally back there, I have to admit I entirely missed the items teased in the jacket blurb. Maybe I was out in the truck at the time trying to make sure the graphics cues were hit correctly. But if Joe (“ClergyCollar”) Stobaugh said it, it MUST be so. : )
One of my colleagues asked if United Methodist Insight had anything to do with the pamphlet showing up at the North Texas Annual Conference. He thought it was a satirical hoot. Sadly, I had to confess I wasn’t that smart. I suspect some Cokesbury wag. Anyone else have a theory?