Wow…three years? Yup. First public post was in April 2008, a few weeks before General Conference 2008. Wild.
Here’s a stroll down memory lane for longtime readers and a few new reading pieces for newcomers.
Favorite posts from the first year:
- Mission Holiness Rankings of UM Seminaries [snarky piece making fun of Andrew Thompson that he received well and got HX onto the Methobloggers’ radars]
- What the Church can Learn from Wikipedia [became a UMReporter article]
- The Bible Illuminated (review) [review that got us on NPR and changed my ideas on illustrated bibles]
Favorite posts from the second year:
- Call for a People-powered Hymnal [response to the UMC’s abandonment of a new hymnal and seeking out what a new one might look like]
- Seeing Communion Again for the First Time [my re-introduction to the standard communion liturgy and my response]
- Purpose-Driven Genocide [critique of Rick Warren and his lack of prophetic action regarding Uganda]
- Glenn Beck declares war on United Methodists [featured on and the single highest number of comments and flamewars on this blog]
Favorite posts from the third year (excluding the Pastor’s 24 and Call To Action craziness):
- What if small churches sell out to Corporate Churches? [emerging critique of franchised churches and ponderings on the movement to multi-site churches]
- The Psychology of Altar Calls [refusing to embrace fear as a conversion tool]
- Could Discipleship become an RPG? [emerging critique of gamification in the church]
- Here, there be Dragons for Young Clergy [advice for clergy who are still under scrutiny on how to talk about justice]
What you can look forward to in the fourth year as I try to better balance inward facing posts (church critiques), outward-facing posts (gospel to geeks), and spiritual reflections (sermons and devotionals):
- A long-running series on Gamification, or the influence of game mechanics on the church and how it might embrace/reject it. I’ve seriously got about 12 different blog posts being tinkered with, so this will be a persistent conversation.
- More posts on the Geek Gospel, or talking about parallels to Science Fiction and Gaming for the nerds that read this blog.
- A potentially interesting series as I have conversations with a preaching partner that may be surprising to readers.
- More support and guidance to young clergy. You wouldn’t believe the conversations I’ve had where I get asked “how did a person like you get ordained and keep your integrity?” I think this is a role I need to be more vocal about.
We’ll look forward to Year Four as being a great year for spiritual conversation, Star Wars humor, reflections on nerdy areas, and ever-present hacking of Christian systems to give the Spirit more room to breathe new life into our Church.
Thanks for being on this journey…and have a cupcake.
(Photo Credit: LA Weekly)
Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Blogi’versity!! Glad you decided to start writing!
Happy blogiversary!