This video merited 34 comments in an hour on facebook from a dozen different churchworkers (clergy and laity). Lemme know what you think:
Key gut-check moments for me were the completely unexpected 0:38, and I was open-mouthed at 3:44 (though it did look like someone saw Carrie too much…h/t JAA). The Rockettes at 3:06 almost made up for it though.
Personally, I think videos like this are good in that they depict the viscerally disturbing aspects of blood atonement and are good conversation starters on atonement theories. It’s like Mel Gibson’s The Passion…I think that movie did more for discussion of alternate atonement theories than it probably intended! No understanding of atonement is complete or perfect and I think discussion of them is at once challenging but helpful in the long run.
Thoughts on the video?
I keep coming back to the inherent problem of video representations of the mystery of the Eucharist (or of the Resurrection). When we try to put images to it, particularly the hyper-real HD video kind, they always fall short. I think there is something to be said for letting the images of the Eucharist and Baptism remain the elements themselves.
And don't get me started on the Yoda-like resurrection in Gibosn's movie!