On a friend’s facebook status, she wrote something about being Friended by Jesus (based on John 15), which spawned this snarky comment from me:
Being “friended” means I can now see Jesus’ profile and am now vulnerable to him seeing mine.
And this snarky twitter update from me.
Jesus: “No longer do I call you servants…but I have called you friend.” Great, Jesus friended me…now he can see my profile.
Oh ho…so clever, young pastor…but oddly enough, check out my inbox not 3 minutes later!!
I’m not sure of the theological statement of “Jesus is following ME” but it was a humorous occurrence not three minutes after yucking it up about “friending” Jesus.
Oh, the internets. You amuse me.
[[UPDATE 1: Uh oh, look out. It’s spreading. A message from a twitterer:
Jesus saw your profile and in spite of it friended you…just like he did me….AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess if I can come up with pithy theological statements like this in a trendy medium, I really am cut out for youth ministry.]]
I never thought of this before. A relationship with Jesus is like a relationship in the virtual world. But at least facebook friends can chat online. This kind of shakes my faith.
Friend, I would say that a relationship with Jesus is NOTHING like a virtual relationship. While virtual relationships can chat online, JC isn’t an online friend that never writes on your facebook wall.
There’s a depth of experience that makes real-life friends better than virtual friends, isn’t there? Would you agree?
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