Today blogs everywhere are jumping on the FriendConnect bandwagon…and for good reason. It will be very helpful to get feedback from people easily and build better communities.
Did you get your google account yesterday like a good boy/girl/pet? Great!
So, on the sidebar you will see two new boxes, and below each blog post page (where you would leave comments) is another new box.
- First is the login “membership” box where you sign in with your google account (it will be a popup box, most likely). Click “join” and you can join the community! Then your image appears next to everyone elses.
- Second is the wall box, where you can leave general site-wide messages.
- Finally, at the bottom of each blog post (where you would leave comments) is a rating/comment widget where you can leave comments even easier than through blogger! I will respond to those as well…
There will be more on the way as I discern how best to use this program to complement our mission: to hack Christianity!
Anyone else got FriendConnect on their blog today? Leave a shoutout in the comments below…or in the FC widget!
Building community just got easier. And for this pastor/blogger, that’s decent news indeed.
(PS: tried to make it disappear from the front page of my blogger blog using Blogger Buster’s writeup and it didn’t show up at all. Any ideas [other than moving to wordpress, you snarkers])
I don’t know. I just got introduced to the site yesterday (yes, via NPR) and I’m more of a Presbyterian than a Methodist, so I don’t know if I’m ready yet to make a commitment to “join” the site…then again, why not?
Neil, whatever level of participation that you are comfortable with…I’m comfortable with. Presbethodist or not. π
Like Alan Bevere, I have Followers on my blog – which I presume is similar.
we’ve established that I fail at knowing exactly what to do with teh internets. I don’t um, get it, this google friend thing.
π Becca