Dead wrong and proud of it | OKG Scene.com
- Op-Ed by Robin Meyers on Oklahoma voting 100% of its counties for McCain…pretty vicious but interesting to read. – post by umjeremy
Video Games Will Turn Your Kid Gay – Momlogic
- Hilarious! – post by umjeremy
the mutual fund The Timothy Group, which bases its investments on companies they deem moral, has put out their annual list of questionable video games. In their “score card” they use categories such as “Sex,” “Violence,” “Drugs,” “Comic Mischief,” and of course “Gay/Lesbian” to determine a game’s morality. Huh? Here’s the breakdown of the games they found questionable:
Unclutterer » Archive » In with new, out with old
Now is the time to take stock of what you received and what those new gifts can replace — one new gift in, one old item out.
Toward a New Vision of Productivity, Part 1: Transformation – Stepcase Lifehack
This is the first part of a 12-part series I will be posting over the next several weeks, examining the current understanding of productivity and where the concept might be heading in the future
Three Movements Killing Christianity « twice infinity
Christianity has always been a diverse faith. The various theologies, political ideas, and other views held by Christian groups throughout last twenty centuries have varied widely. This has made Christianity strong, adaptive, and dynamic in furthering the truths it posits. However, parellel to its historical strengths have always been weaknesses: movements that, though often well-intentioned, have done more to hurt the cause of Christ than help it.
In American Christianity today, there are many such movements.
apparently i’m not smart enough to set up this auto-posting thing. does it require special jedi skills?