Marital Discord: Why Prop 8 Won
- It’s not about race; it’s about disinformation. – post by umjeremy
there’s the matter of the Yes on 8 coalition’s staggering disinformation
campaign. Ad after ad told voters that without Prop 8, their churches
would be forced to perform same-sex unions and be stripped of their
tax-exempt status; that schools would teach their children to practice
homosexuality; and, perhaps most effective, that a smiling Barack Obama
had said, “I’m not in favor of gay marriage.” This last bit went out in
a flier by the Yes on 8 campaign, targeting black households.
Woork: 7 Tips to design professional blog layout using Blogger
Dream Awakener » A Primer on Today’s Missional Church
- Great primer. The last line “focus on the West” is a needed disclaimer! – post by umjeremy
One thing about this primer is that it is an on-line primer. Which means you don’t have to purchase a book, a magazine or a journal to learn about the missional church, you can just read through these rich links. While this post includes links representing different continents, it has a focus on the West.
Running from hell | Ubyssey Online
- Interview with the estranged son of Fred Phelps (of God Hates Everyone fame) – post by umjeremy
The mattock, a close cousin of the pickaxe, is used to dig through tough, earthy surfaces—it loosens soil, breaks rock, and tears through knotted grass. Its handle is a three-foot wooden shaft, twice the density of a baseball bat and its dual-sided iron head is comprised of a chisel and a pick. It was Pastor Fred Phelps’s weapon of choice when beating his children according to his son, Nate Phelps.
“The Bible says ‘spare the rod, spoil the child,’” explained Nate, “and he would be screaming that out as he was beating us.” One Christmas night, Pastor Phelps hit Nate over 200 times with a mattock’s handle, swinging it like a baseball player.
Nate would hide out in the garage with his siblings, where he could escape his father’s wrath. What he couldn’t escape, however, was the fear of going to hell. He suffered much abuse growing up under the roof of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church (WBC)—he still suffers today.
What is your view on homosexual marriage? I am heterosexual and have been a an active Christian since 1981. Until recently, I had the evangelical Christian view point being against homosexual marriage. But, given what I know personally from homosexual friends, new studies, and questioning how the passages used against homosexuality are interpretated. I am on this quest to figure out what I believe and what is really taught in the Scripture. I’d be really interested if you would reply to this comment or write a post on this subject.
Glad you liked the primer on the missional church. I love the cloud you have there, is that something I can do on wordpress? Peace.
JR, yes, it was even originally a WP plugin that was translated to blogger.
LINK: Blogumulus