In a preaching workshop I took last year, we were to craft a 60 second sermon. Much like the Twitter the Gospel in 140 characters exercise, it forced us into an economy of words, images, and lessons.
Here’s mine below the fold. What do you think?
60 Second Sermon (timed at 72 seconds actually…my bad)
I believe in a God that makes the ordinary, extraordinary.
God who makes ordinary stuff into extraordinary means of grace.
- ordinary water into the waters of Baptism.
- bread and wine into Communion with Christ.
- ordinary people like you and me into the Body of Christ.
Hear the Good News: God takes our ordinary lives (Even yours!) calls them God’s own, and molds them into extraordinary witnesses to the Kingdom of God.
Now with this great blessing comes great responsibility.
- When you know an ordinary banana is picked by a child who earns 17 cents a day;
- When you know American gas is cheaper because of ethanol which doubles the price of corn tortillas for the Mexican poor;
- When you know a teenage girl is silent about her orientation because she fears retribution…
For these ordinary people we must shed our silence,
break our own thresholds and witness for them.
No child of God is below the extraordinary.
Why can’t you be bothered with the ordinary? Amen.
Workshop Evaluation
PROS: nice trios, energetic, no yelling even when condemning society, inclusive language, emphasis on service and justice, solid theological parallels and dichotomy, unexpected reversal of “bread and wine” not becoming the body of Christ but instead the people.
CONS: starts too strong, one voice and speed throughout makes it a runaway train, no stopping points for people to dwell on, sermon doesn’t become an “elevated conversation” with conversation tones
Your Turn
What’s your evaluation or thoughts on the above 60-second sermon?
Post your own 60-second sermon in the comments!
I see you couldn’t resist a little Spidey!
Well, if I couldn’t fit in Star Wars…then Spidey it is!
I just got mine from Ron Hansen in the Christian century, but it’s what resonates with me:
the opposite of faith is not doubt but certainty. I think God intended that–it is a way of making us creative instead of smug in our belief. God plants in us the seed to love and worship God, and the seed is enough to make us want to seek God out, but not enough to fully get there. That reaching, that striving, is what God is really interested in–that creative activity that all of us should pursue.
I’m a athiest.Why am I on this site?Oh yeah, R.E homework.”To write a 60 second sermon.”Based around: “No one can serve two masters, you cannot serve both God and money.” Anyone help? Mine’s only 37 sec long! Ahhh!
I’ll check for helpers. Submit by Mon 9th March 09′!