This is a short, simple hack anyone can do.
Don’t Give Away Guns
To Get People
to Come to Church
Like Windsor Hills Baptist Church (I used to know people there!) in Oklahoma City, to get people to come to their youth rally (last year, by the way, they had a shooting competition).
I don’t need to explain it. Just don’t do it.
Yeah, you’d think this one would go without saying, wouldn’t you?
Followup: Now it’s back on. From their website:
Although the shooting competition that was to take place during the Youth Conference had been canceled, due to false statements* made by the Oklahoma City TV Channel 5 (KOCO) and subsequently reported also by media outlets across the country, a shotgun was donated last Saturday so that the competition could go on as planned.
If Congress, back when our country was fighting for its independence could give engraved muskets to the fifteen or so eleven year old boys that their teacher, Mr. Akins, led into battle against the British, then we can give away a firearm still today, especially since our Supreme Court just re-emphasized our Second Amendment rights.
Uh, it’s not the State that has the problems with violent weapons…it’s the Church!