The convergence of the local and virtual church is destabilizing, but need not be feared. [The internet] has no more power to destroy the church than Caeser…Indeed, the church does not disappear in her virtual incarnations but takes on a new form that compliments the physical counterpart.
C. Scott Andreas, “A Networked E-cclesia”
in Wikiklesia Volume One
Following up on our lively discussion on “The Incarnation in a Virtual World,” I found this very approrpiate.
This is a great quote, Jeremy.
I’m still doing a lot of thinking about this. At some point, when, you know, we have free time and are both members of a Conference somewhere, we should do a joint study or something. That’d be cool. In a totally nerdy way.
That.would.rock. How far away is Vermont? We can start a nerd commune somewhere at the halfway mark.