Jesus Creed » Pastor’s Wisdom: John Frye
I like the image Eugene H. Peterson uses for pastors: pastors are detectives searching out the slightest evidence of God’s grace in peoples’ lives. I’ve learned that pastors are artists of the soul, not religious scientists.
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools to Get Blogging Done
- Lifehacker is a great site with many nerdy, but useful, tools. This is one of them! – post by umjeremy
Writing your blog should be a fun way to stretch your mind and stay connected to trends, friends, and the greater world, not another computer task that takes far too long to get done. But that’s exactly what it can feel like if it takes you more time to find your post ideas, tweak your markup, and make everything look right than to actually get your thoughts down. Being somewhat experienced at this blogging thing, your Lifehacker editors have pinpointed a few tools and tricks that make our posts go faster and smoother. After the jump, we round up 10 of them.
- Interesting take on apologies for the radical ridiculous people in Christendom, rather than waiting for them to apologize themselves. – post by umjeremy
In a way this is about getting over “me-centered” Christianity. One’s faith isn’t just an individual thing, disconnected from history or the rest of the world. We are part of a community of believers and (like it or not) we need to be willing to fully be a part of that community. Recognizing the faults present there is a necessary first step to helping make things better and to understanding why others view us the way they do.
Web Worker Daily » Archive How RSS Feeds Affect My Life & Work «
- I read over 150 blogs/news per day…using an RSS feed reader, I get through them usually in 15 minutes. It’s a blessing beyond belief! – post by umjeremy
It remains to be seen if I can keep up with my feed reading over time. In the meanwhile, I’ll absorb as much knowledge as I can to expand my understanding of this ever-changing industry and to improve what I do and how I do it.
Power On Self Test: May The Font Be With You – Boing Boing Gadgets
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