Godweb has a listing of their top 10 progressive Christian books. [begin alltel guy] Are they in your fave five?[/annoying alltell guy]
- God’s Troublemakers: How Progressive Women of Faith Are Changing the World
- Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: the Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith
- The Battle For God
- The Human Being: Jesus and the Enigma of the Son of Man
- Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence
- A New Religious America : How a Christian Country Has Now Become the World’s Most Religiously Diverse Nation
- A New Christianity for a New World : Why Traditional Faith Is Dying & What Should Take Its Place
- The Executed God
- God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It
- Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas
I’ve read 6 outta 10. The second one, Borg’s book, I read right before I started religion school, and it changed my life. Who gave it to me? My United Methodist youth minister…blame him.
Thanks for the posting, great list, would also like to recommend this new book by Dr Gary Chapman -“Love is a Verb” It’s all about love and relationships, very moving and inspiring true stories –
There is a contest as well to win an autographed copy of his new book “Love is a Verb” –
Great list! Thanks for posting this! I am pretty sure that I will find something here that can help me enlighten from the problems that I had experienced for the past few months.
I'd love to see you hack Borg. Take your critical eye to Borg and – as a sympathetic reader – tell us where you see the cracks and questions.
Most readings of Borg I see are either critics who point out all his faults or fans who point out none of them. I'd love to have a critic who writes of his strengths or a fan who looks for his weaknesses.
John, thanks for the suggestion. I haven't read Borg's book since then (except for a paper in undergrad), so looking back might be an interesting exercise and, as you mention, perhaps a needed one.